Molebeat blocked 8 of my Macross Reviews on YouTube!!

Molebeat blocked 8 of my Macross Reviews on YouTube!!

Yep. A Japanese company called Molebeat quietly claimed 8 of my Macross videos, blocking them in 111 territories. I was wondering why I wasn't getting anymore views on them. Thankfully, Hannah and I had already uploaded them to our Vimeo channel as we knew that something like this could happen with any of our videos. I’ve got them loaded up below so you don’t have to hop around on our site to find them.

*Macross Zero

*Macross Plus Part One

*Macross Plus Pt. Two

*Macross Frontier Pt.1

*Macross Frontier Pt. 4

*Macross II Lovers Again Part One

*Macross Frontier: The False Songstress

*Macross Frontier: The Wings of Goodbye

If you want to know more about Molebeat and who they are, watch this video by The Smuggler. It’s truly maddening that this is happening.


The Hobbit Trilogy : My Thoughts

The Hobbit Trilogy : My Thoughts

Alex Proyas': THE CROW

Alex Proyas': THE CROW